Our mission is to engineer equity and strengthen communities through intentionally-designed funding, communication and organization.
We secure grants from private foundations and governments by identifying grant opportunities that match your programs and profile. We work closely with you to plan, write, submit and report on grant applications. We really shine through annual grant strategies and long-term commitments where we become valued thought partners and advisors. Together we build a portfolio of collateral for use on future grant applications featuring the selling points that make you stand out by speaking your funder's language. We've developed a proprietary system that ensures the work is efficient, collaborative, generative and as low stress as possible. Some of our specialty areas include Arts & Culture, Education, Environmental Justice, Agriculture, Food Systems, and Migrant & Refugee Support, among others.
Justice, Equity, Diversity, Accessibility, Inclusion, and Belonging (JEDAIB)
Equity is engineered, requiring great intention and often transformative change achieved on individual, interpersonal, and organizational levels. We can help you become a better leader through the cultivation of a JEDAIB lens and mirror; give your JEDAIB work a plan; and help create a culture of 100% participation when it comes to everyone asking “How do JEDAIB principles fit into my work and how can I take responsibility for these values?” We also offer Mediation and Conflict Management services designed through this lens.
We help you develop and implement a strategic plan for fundraising based on your unique needs, values and communities. Campaigns can include print and digital media.
Media Production
We love producing! Can’t stop won’t stop. Besides bringing all of our JEDIAB and fundraising skills to the table, we’re also tapped into a local film production network and subcontract with some of the best talent. Eva’s experience as a film scholar and as a marketing and communications professional bring an especially fresh perspective on audience and impact.
List of Services
Grant Research, Strategy, Writing, Reporting and Management
JEDAIB Reform, Initiatives and Education
JEDAIB-based Mediation
​Campaign Design including Case for Support, Web Design for Fundraising, Social Media Content, Film and Photography
Appeal Letters, Thank You Letters, Newsletters
Peer-to-peer Fundraising
Fundraising Events
Community Needs Assessments
Media Production
Strategic Planning
Project Management
Interim Directing
Operations Improvement
Translation & Interpretation